Do you have a name? What is it today?
Hmmmm, still going by “Ilene Rogers Tyler,” last I looked. I like using my middle/maiden name, Rogers, because the moniker shortens to IRT, and not IT. IRT feels strong, whereas IT carries someone else’s baggage.
Where do you live these days?
Downtown Ann Arbor, Michigan -- and I do mean downtown. Sold the suburban bungalow seven years ago to really live in, and appreciate, our mid-sized city. Turns out it is the “green” thing to do, ahead of the trend.
What is it that you tell people that you do for a living?
I always say, first, that I am an architect. Then, I might go on to say I work on old buildings, figuring them out and describing what needs to be done to preserve them. I created a book in Shutterfly for my new grandson, and the funniest section is about what I do for a living. Photos of his grandmother climbing on roofs makes everyone laugh, but of course I’m serious about loving to do it and be involved in these projects.
What is it that your peers think that you do every day?
First, one must consider who are my peers? Other architects? Other preservationists? Most, I think, know I’m into old buildings, figuring them out and documenting the work to keep them whole.
Tell us something we do not know.
For three years my husband and I owned a fast food, or short order, restaurant in rural Pennsylvania. We made all our own stuff, nothing pre-packaged, and it was hard work. Been there, done that, and never again. While in PA, we also built our own “experimental” house and had a thriving small practice designing solar homes.
How did you get into doing what you do?
I joined Quinn Evans Architects in 1986, when I needed a job, and the firm needed a project architect to assist with documenting restoration of the Wayne County Courthouse.
How did you first become interested in your career?
High-school Career Day. “Architect” was one of three careers I chose to consider, and I talked to the local visiting architect. Next day, I convinced the high school shop teacher to let me join the mechanical drafting class.
Of what projects are you particularly proud?
Parthenon restoration in Nashville, TN
U of M Detroit Observatory, Ann Arbor, MI
Pere Marquette Depot restoration in Bay City, MI
What was the most interesting project that you worked on? Why was it interesting?
Parthenon, for sure, because I learned so much as part of the team charged with restoring the structure - Greek building terminology, John J. Earley concrete design, classical architecture, museum operations, teamwork.
What is your favorite part?
Inspection and quality assurance. Each month during construction, the project team reviewed finished pieces as they were delivered to the job site. As a unified voice, we assessed their overall design, colors, and mating to the existing structure.
What is your least favorite part?
Flying between Detroit and Nashville was relatively convenient for the job, but never fun.
What happened on the best day?
Flying in the gryphons as part of the completion celebration on December 31, 2000 was a thrill, capping the successful project. Fireworks and country music made it a memorable event.
What happened, if you can handle it, on the worst day?
David Evans died in the middle of the project. This loss had a tremendous impact on the project team. Having to step into the project as Principal, and getting the team to accept me, at the same time as coping with my personal loss, was the hardest thing (and worst day) of the entire project.
Who has been your biggest influence?
David Evans
Do you consider yourself an optimist or a pessimist? Or just plain worn out?
Optimist. If you can find something good to say, you just might find yourself believing it. If you say it, then you might affect others in a similarly positive way. Can’t always do it, though…
As a child what career did you want as an adult?
Teacher, 3rd grade, because that was my favorite year. Memorable from that year was the beginning of a six-year process to build our new school. I still have my 3rd grade essay on “The Day They Moved the House” to make way for the expanded site of the new school. This culminated in our 8th grade move-in, with many stories along the way.
As a child what career did you not want as an adult?
Auto parts sales manager. Family business that seemed decidedly unfriendly to women. When I worked there as a child doing inventory, I viewed the work as fun. As a career, though, it did not seem to offer much for me personally. I needed to do something as different from auto parts sales as I could imagine… hence architecture.
Who said that you are an adult now?
I don’t remember…
Did your parents influence you in a positive or negative way?
Positive. Good people and loving parents, but they didn’t understand my need to strike out on my own.
What advice would you give to a young person starting out?
Have a dream.
Do you enjoy travel, or staying in one place?
Travel, but from a home base I really like (i.e. Ann Arbor).
If you had a choice to do something else, what would it be?
More hands-on investigation and restoration of the projects I inspect. Of course, living in a historic house satisfies much of that.
Do you have any pets? If so, can you tell us about them? Spiders and pet snails count.
None currently. By association, I enjoy my husband’s reef tank. Georgie, the Jawfish, has personality. Our two sons have a dog and a cat, respectively.
Is there any extra special historic site that you want to visit, and if so, why?
The Acropolis. Seems logical to see the real Parthenon before I die.
Education… what one thing do you think was the most interesting part of your education? Where?
U of M Architecture School had it’s moments of sheer joy amidst the pain. I always loved our studio classes in Lorch Hall. I made great friends in studio, even married one, and have fond memories of everything but architecture happening there. I guess it’s where I learned about life in my microcosm of college. Sophomore year was the highlight, many stories, no worries.
Please tell us about a few of the people that you like. But not if you really don’t like them.
I like Norm, my husband etc. He challenges me and he supports me; he’s my biggest fan and my worst critic. He’s reliable and he’s annoying. Etc. I like a lot of other people, too, but I’m reluctant to single them out for this survey.
What one book have you read that you would recommend?
I read a wide variety of stuff, so it’s hard to pick a favorite. I suppose it’d be cheating to recommend my own book, but it’s so new that I’m still getting used to the idea of being an author. Co-author, really, but my name is on the cover! So, Historic Preservation: An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and Practice, 2nd Edition. W.W. Norton, 2009.
Beyond the self-serving nature of the above, I really liked Pillars of the Earth, and, more recently, Loving Frank, Omnivore’s Dilemma, and Three Cups of Tea.
What one book would you tell everyone to ignore?
Telling everyone to ignore a book is another form of recommending it, since you have to tell people what to ignore, and that mentions the name more often than it might deserve.
How many books do you think that you own?
A thousand, plus or minus a few.
Are they on shelves or in boxes?
We love our bookshelves, and almost all our books are out somewhere. We have built-in bookshelves in the library and dining room, and bought shelving units in our office. But then I have another couple hundred books in my office at work. I also feel personally connected to the library at work, since I purchased many of them for shared use at the office. These must number into a couple thousand, unless I overrate the collection in my mind.
Do you prefer artwork or music to books?
Books are the best, sometimes with a concurrent dose of music, and perhaps complemented by 2D art. There is nothing I like better than curling up in a cozy chair with a good book. It’s nice when the sun reaches this perfect reading spot, and great if the chair is comfortable enough in which to take a nap.
Do you mind telling us a bit about how your family puts up with your career and deviant interests?
There is a lot of teasing about when I’m really going to set aside my work, or give them more time, take more time off. I’ve even been recorded at four-year intervals repeatedly promising to cut back. My husband and sons always knew they could count on me in an emergency. However, they knew and expected that I would always be working overtime or on projects that looked a lot like work.
What do you like to do when you are not doing this?
For starters, reading a book. When available, walking a beach. Sometimes cooking will satisfy me, with the reward of good food that can be shared. Gardening is a great pastime, but only for half the year. Writing is becoming increasingly important. I have stories to tell, but I need to work on getting them out in a way that is interesting to read. Redoing our kitchen has opened up new avenues of entertainment and dining. Group cooking, like pizza-making or salads or latkes, is not only possible in our new kitchen, it’s fun and safe and satisfying. Gardening is an escape. I like the dirt and having a reason to be outside without too much thinking. It’s a great way to appreciate being at home in the city.
What is your favorite music? Do you play any instruments? Can you hum?
Folk music is my favorite. I can dabble at the piano, but not good enough to sing along with my playing. I like to sing along to my husband’s or sons’s playing, but mostly show tunes or old pop stuff.
Do you like to paint or draw? Or would you rather be carving? Do you like to write?
I took a watercolor class last winter with hopes of doing more on my own. I love the medium, but haven’t dedicated the time to be good…yet. Yes, I do like to write.
If we left you alone what would you do next?
Pick up a book and read until something else happened, most likely sleep.
How about e-mail?
Remember Pine? When email first came out, we had access using Pine through Norm’s teaching at EMU, and I remember the first days of Bullamanka-Pinheads email. Norm hated sharing what he considered spam, and I didn’t know how to get my own address until I had it at work. It’s hard to reconstruct how it all started, and gradually took over my life.
What is your favorite tool?
Camera, if I may be allowed to call the camera my tool. I use it often enough. If you mean hammers, and stuff, I’m not sure if I have a favorite.
What is your favorite material to work with?
Pictures, I guess digital, to create photo books, newsletters, cards, and posters. Does that count?
Do you have any friends or family that you want mentioned?
Husband, Norm. No pets. Sons Joshua (and daughter-in-law Gesara) and Joseph. Grandson Remy Jeht Tyler, born this year.
How do you come at teaching others, at passing on your experience and knowledge?
I love teaching my class at EMU, which transfers to informally mentoring younger staff at work. I love writing about it and presenting at conferences, because the process challenges me to learn new stuff. I love to facilitate the learning process, engaging with those who want to learn, not lecturing at them.
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